We are fortunate to have a staff of exceptional and dedicated teachers many of whom are licensed by the State of New York, certified as Early Childhood Specialists and hold masters degrees in education.
At the time of entry, children frequently experience an extended adjustment period. In anticipation, teachers visit each child in his/her own home before school begins. This gives our teachers a link to the child’s home that often eases adjustment to the school environment. Children are phased into the program in small groups during a period of shortened sessions. Parents or caregivers remain in the room as needed.
Each fall, the director provides guidance and participates in the ongoing school application process.
A parent is given the opportunity to serve as parent of the day once each month. The warm atmosphere in the classroom is enhanced by the participation of the parents. By joining their child in his/her first school experience, parents gain valuable insight into the development and interactions of their children. Children look forward to having their parents present. Workshops are offered to increase parental understanding of child development and teaching materials. In addition, a monthly curriculum newsletter is sent to parents, providing a important link between school and home.
The parents provide some administration of the school. Operating through the parent-teacher association, parents are an integral part of the school’s operations. The school is enhanced because of the willingness of the parent body to undertake some tasks inherent in the smooth functioning of the school. Parents find their participation enriched by the friendships they establish. For many, the school has become an “extended family” – a place where they are always welcome.